onsdag 7. oktober 2009

Meeting students


Then I'm back in Stranda after a week off in Sweden. Perhaps you think: "that's odd, why take a week of now?!" Well, it isn't really that odd. Last week was the autumn holiday for all schools and kindergartens in this region. Which means that a lot people seizes the opportunity to have a week free (including me) .

Well, to be really honest the week wasn't only a holiday. I confess, I did work one day... But it was the really fun part of working though :) Last Wednesday did I, and a some colleagues of mine, meet students at University of Linköping. It was fun to be the one answering all the question instead of asking them. We met a lot of eager students and it's fun to be able to tell them that we are still recruiting and will start several procesess during the autumn and spring*.

My colleagues Frida Sandberg and Erik Alexandersson.
Anyway that's that about my week off. When got back to Stranda on Sunday evening I quickly found out that the autumn is over! The winter is here. There are even rumours that someone actually did some skiing this last weekend... Nice.

Now it's back to work!

* if you're reading this blogg and are intrested in working at Orkla I recommend you to visit orklajobs.com