onsdag 28. oktober 2009

Introduction of myself and my way to Orkla and Stabburet

Hi everyone! It's time to introduce myself and how I found my way to Orkla and Stabburet.

When I started working at Stabburet in february 2009 had I just finished my final thesis and acquired av M.Sc. in Industrial engineering and Management from University of Linköping (Sweden). I'd focused my studies on supply chain management, production and production technology which set me off looking for jobs within these fields. However, my search for a job during the autumn 2008 (whilest I still was writing my final thesis) unfortunately coincided with the fall of Lehman Brothers and the economic turmoil that followed.

The economic crash struck the swedish industry hard and quick and many on-going recruiting process came to an halt. This meant that I quickly had to widened my search, both geographically and in what kind of job I was looking for. The first question I asked: Am I willing to work outside Sweden? Since I'd been studying and working abroad earlier wasn't this a tough decision to take and I started looking for jobs in the northern parts of Europe and the neighbouring countries to Sweden. However, quicker then I'd aspected I got in contact with Orkla and Stabburet, through the Nova100 network, who at time was looking for management trainees.

As a swede I hardly knew anything about Orkla and even less about Stabburet. But through the Internet, a lot of great information from the HR-department at Stabburet and a lot of questions I applied for the job (early November). Then it all happend very quickly. I visited Oslo twice for interviews (mid November) and just before Christmas 2008 I was offered the job. The reasons why I took the offer was mainly the opportunities to work in many different fields of the operation (a.o. logistics and production) and the positve first impression of the culture and future colleagues.

Now when I look back on my search of my first job the most important insight is to stay open minded. Especially when you're a student and have none or little work experience. To discuss the topic with friends, family and older students helped me in my search for my first job.

Now it's back to work!