torsdag 24. juni 2010

New challanges


After a exciting year at Stabburet's pizza factory in Stranda, Norway, it's now time for new interesting challenges within Stabburet.

I have since last update been working hard with a couple of different projects. Amongst others a fun project with focus on improving the work climate, and culture, in one of the production departments. Here I've supported and worked close with several blue-collars, which has been strongly involved in the project. It has been very rewarding to see that we have achieved a great result at same time as everyone has learned a lot and grown as human beings.

Since last I've also started another tough project with focus on packaging, an area on which we've identified a considerable potential (more I can't say, sorry). It's a very interesting project since any change on packaging involves almost every department within the business, such as management, marketing, sales, R&D etc. Something that puts a strong focus on correct information and good communication. And as I've written earlier on this blogg, when working on Orkla you really get to work with tasks that in some way is a stretch for you. But you'll always have helpful colleagues around to support you.

So, that was my last update on this blogg. I hope that You, as I reader and a potential colleague, have found it interesting and that you feel that you in some have gotten some insight in how it’s to work in Orkla, and Stabburet.

I hope I'll see you around :)
