onsdag 10. mars 2010

Starting a new year


I still feel that 2010 just has begun but we're already in the middle of March (!). A lot of interesting things has happened in the factory. January started of with an almost empty supply chain which meant higher production rate and a lot of hard work for everyone. As a trainee you get involved in almost every day-to-day problem which spans from technical issues to more managerial ones.

January then continued with the planning of this year's activities. As the junior member of the local management team I was given the task to lead and coordinate this work. An interesting challenge when you’re new on the job. But it gave me a good insight in the management of a factory, and all the parameters you have to take in mind.

February came and my work focused on different projects, both marketing/innovation and more technical ones (i.e. investment in new equipment). When working with these projects I realize that Orkla really allows you, as a junior employee, to be responsible for projects worth millions of NOK (Norwegian crones). But it feels safe to have a lot of really experienced colleagues that can support me.

Now it's already March and I'm continuing the work with the different projects. It's also being done a lot of work on different LEAN-activities where I support the supervisors, setting the university theory into practice.